evening update - ten true things

at 22:45

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Well I'm off on a road trip to the coast this weekend (now I know that I'm not going to get eaten by sharks I feel remarkably more happy about the whole thing) to celebrate 22 years of one of my friends being alive. It's going to be at close quarters with a big group of people (about 3/4 of whom I've never met before) combined with large amounts of alcohol, dancing and board games. Should be fun. 

I'm also celebrating for a reason greater than the four day weekend: the application form I was struggling with last week (and which drove me to start this damned thing) proved fruitful. Out of 80 applicants I was one of the 9 to get an interview. This is good news as it is my first official step out of my current slackerdom and into the world at large.

So to herald the early start to the weekend, here are ten true things*. We'll start with the subject I know most about: me.

  1. According to Wikipedia I am 3" shorter than the average female my age in the UK. This is apparently not tall enough to reach the hand-rails on the London Underground.
  2. My pupils are naturally so dilated that eyedrops have no effect on me. It is possible to take a photograph of my retinas without any preparation. According to two qualified medical professionals this is "freaky".
  3. I still don't understand differential equations despite having an A-level in Maths. I never want to.
  4. My hair colour is currently purple.
  5. At present there are 6 self-help books in my bedroom. I've read two of them. Five of them originally belonged to my mother and have significant passages highlighted. This is creepy.
  6. My favourite drinks are red wine, gin and vanilla white russians. These vary depending on weather, time into the evening and whether or not I have access to nutmeg.
  7. I own as many pairs of pink shoes as I do games consoles. This number is 5.
  8. I hadn't eaten meat until I turned sixteen. This is not a euphemism.
  9. Nine is my favourite number (because it's thrice to thine, and thrice to mine, And thrice again, to make up...) it's also a very nice shade of blue.
  10. I currently own 230 movies on legally bought DVDs.


I really should do one of those "here's all the things about me" questionnaires that are so rife on facebook, just so people have a basic frame of reference, but I can't seem to find one that isn't horrifyingly pedestrian if anyone knows of one (or has any questions to put to me) feel free to leave me a note in the comments section.

Have a good weekend, kids!

*Note: true things are subject to change. We here at Circular Logic take no responsibility for the nature of these claims, we cannot guarantee that they will be salacious enough to satisfy you and would like to take this opportunity to apologise in advance for any disappointment caused.


VermillionBrain said...

I have a question: will you marry me?

On a less crazy note, you could try the questions here:


VermillionBrain said...

Oh, by the way, I had a few questions that I answered for another website on my blog. Just look in the history fro the Crazy Man posts, and maybe you can glean some inspiration from them.

I will leave you alone and go to sleep now.

Sam Brooks said...

I would kill for purple hair. Sadly, both my school bans extreme hair colours and my hair is impossible to dye without bleaching.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links Vermillion I'll publish my answers on a slow day ;)

brooke, I feel your pain, I wanted blue hair during school and despite my protests that blue was the school colour I still couldn't convince them. Unfortunately I made the decision to dye my hair purple two weeks before a job interview. This may not have been the best of plans.