I haven't had a blog in years, and starting one isn't really on my to do list... except for one major factor which is the actual contents of my to do list.
Things I am avoiding doing today:
- Three weeks' worth of filing - because it will only take me about ten minutes and therefore can be put off indefinitely (if it doesn't take more than half an hour it really isn't worth doing).
- Emailing Miss F about wedding travel arrangements - because then I'll have to commit to booking a B&B and a train ticket, spending money is only fun if there's instant gratification involved.
- Putting through my orders - because I know someone is going to turn up at 4:00 with something urgent for me to do so I may as well leave everything until then.
- Writing 1200 words on backpacking in Fiji - because I've missed the July deadline so I don't get paid for it until August regardless of when I get it done.
- Flat hunting - because the very prospect of it makes my toes curl. Plus: it will involve me speaking to estate agents.
- Filling out a job application form. Deadline: tomorrow. Although it's useful that I have it as I can't actually do anything else from my list because the application is more urgent than everything else and hence must be done first.
God, I suck at life. Although I'm impressed that I can justify my suckitute, which is something at least.
Things I am doing instead of the things on my to do list today:
- Debating what colour to dye my hair this evening.
- Starting a blog.
- Rearranging our suppliers list.
- Commenting on Pajiba.
- Taking inventory of the stationery store.
- Arranging Friday night.
- Watching YouTube clips without sound.
It's an annoying mix of actual work and slacking which means I'll be feeling too guilty to take a lunch break. Again.
And that's my justification for starting a blog. Hooray.
For commenting on Pajiba, you are hereby excused from feeling guilty about not doing things on your to-do list. In fact, you should add "comment on Pajiba" to your to-do list.
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