thoughts for Friday morning

at 11:37

Friday, 17 August 2007

I'm distracting myself from my impending Interview of DOOM by mindlessly blogging, these are the things that have occurred to me this morning:

I can't believe I've had Shadow Hearts 3 for over a week and haven't even read the manual yet. That's some serious willpower right there.

Holy logical reasoning, Batman! Birds really are going to take over the world.

Using air quotes around the words "mad skills" is even better than deadpan delivery of "Oh yes, it's off the hook" for uninterested sarcasm and makes me almost wish I still worked for minimum wage at GAME so I could use it to describe this year's Madden.

I probably should have taken heed of the subliminal messages in Litely's last blog post and worn flats today.

I can't believe I have to work this weekend rather than attending my friend's faux-wake. His fake spirit is going to be pissed that I didn't go and pretend to mourn him.

Why does my scanner keep deciding it no longer wants to perform the "scan" function requiring a full restart? What did I ever do to him?

Also: why is my scanner suddenly male? And is it entirely healthy to anthropomorphise office equipment?


Sam Brooks said...

Wow. Somebody else who has actually played the Shadow Heart series!

The third one is pretty good, but I still love the second one.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, one of the guys in my local game store refused to let it rest until I'd played the first one and from then on I was obsessed.

I managed to get my flatmate hooked too - I occasionally wake up at 3am to find her still up playing the second one. For someone who'd never touched a PS2 before that's fairly impressive.

Sam Brooks said...

I can't find the first one anywhere, which is sad, 'cause I'd really like to play it. Damn being in PAL territories!