a break in your regularly scheduled programming

at 09:22

Friday, 7 September 2007

Thanks for the Birthday wishes yesterday to those who left them, y'all made me smile (and got me to the requisite 22 messages thus beating my flatmate B for the third year in a row. Score!).

I'm taking the weekend off to move house, as of now my schedule looks like this:


  • Pack mini suitcase of things I will require for the next day, including incredibly expensive dress, copious amounts of eyeliner, high heels, actual pajamas.
  • Put on crappy clothing, drive across London to new flat.
  • Spend several hours cleaning new flat (to the strains of punk pop - the only genre all three of us can agree on).
  • Return to current flat, put life into boxes.
  • Load up removal van and send entire life off with guy named Mike.
  • Get dressed up into said incredibly expensive dress, high heels etc. and go to incredibly expensive club to drink for free.
  • Curse the fact that every other woman in the club is tall, blonde, supermodel like and all the men are City boy bankers.
  • Consider word that rhymes with "bankers" that also describes them.
  • Stumble back to empty old flat, share bed with flatmate S whose own bed is in the possession of guy named Mike.

  • Wake up two hours later than planned, ludicrously hungover.
  • Spend entire morning cleaning old flat as quietly as possible avoiding all bright lights.
  • Travel to new flat and stare at masses of boxes, watch as new boy flatmate G hooks up TV, DVD player and PS2 as first matter of business.
  • Remind him how very, very glad we are to be living with someone who has his priorities straight.
  • Spend afternoon kicking his ass at Guilty Gear, when he complains switch to Soul Calibur, after more whinging eventually plug in gamecube and spend the rest of the day racing Mario Karts.
  • Realise we should actually be at the pub for friend's birthday celebrations
  • Go to pub

  • Weep at the sheer amount of unpacking that still has to be done and spend day wondering if pulling a sickie on Monday morning would be just too damned obvious.
  • Frequent breaks for tea, cakes, biscuits, episodes of Scrubs.

I shall see you on Monday kids, have a good weekend and wish me luck!