I know, I know

at 14:54

Monday, 17 September 2007

I'm utterly rubbish with my total lack of updates (I'm pretending that people care, don't burst my bubble) a new post (hopefully of the amusing or insightful variety) will be up here tomorrow.

In the mean time the next part of my custom tattoo saga is up over at Inked Oddity, you could read it - ya know if you're bored or something.


Girl With Curious Hair said...

I care! If people don't post for a while, I worry that a moving box may have fallen on them or that the lab work has distracted them from life for ever.

Oh, and happy very belated birthday.

Anonymous said...

Aw, now I feel all validated and stuff! I will endeavour to post more if only to prevent any undue worry about my health.

And thanks :)

VermillionBrain said...

You know I care, but this letter telling me to stay 200 yards from your blog makes it difficult to show my devotion. It is very inconvenient.