it's eye meltingly good

at 14:29

Monday, 7 January 2008

I found this via D-Listed, and had I been at work (rather than on my sickbed in the process of coughing up my own lungs, I know "charming") I probably wouldn't have ever watched the video. Boy, would that have been a mistake.

I beg of you, watch and revel in all it's bad techno beat, glowing fluorescent aura, migraine inducing psychedelic background and underage teeny bopper "rave" having glory:

Happy Monday kids!


Anonymous said...

Oh, God, I saw that this morning on DListed myself. I think the best part is the cell phone bit. And the fact that he's, y'know, 10 and singing a song about how they're "meant to be". Oh, and the fun psychedelic backgrounds. Reminds me of those cheesy videos you could make at the mall back in the early 90s. Y'know, singing along to a New Kids on the Block song or something.

...and now I've said too much.

That Girl said...

The kid looks like he's twelve. Have his balls dropped yet? I'm pretty sure that "rave" is his best friend's Bar Mitzvah, and the girl is his babysitter, calling to ask him why he's wandering the beach without adult supervision.

Also, it looks like it was edited on a home computer with a free demo version of Final Cut.

You've officially made my day.

Kolby said...

Oh my god! The little perv looked that poor thing with the perma-smile up and down with lust in his beady eyes. Ew. I feel like a pedophile just watching this.

The song sounds like the music played at every club I visited while living in Orlando.

Alex the Odd said...

Yeah, it's the coquettish looks at the camera that get me. I too feel mildly sleazy just for watching it.

But at least he acknowledges that he's like twelve because "if they knew my age they'd be filled with rage", so that's OK then.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Ev - friend of Manda's - and I often lurk on your blog. I had to comment on the dlisted video:
1. Who is the choreographer? Those dances at the party were just the best I've ever seen. (insert snicker)
2. I can almost see my 12-year-od brother (now 25) in this kid!
3. I don't feel pervy, but instead I feel disturbed. I agree that the girl is probably his babysitter.

Thanks for the laugh! It was much needed.