an update

at 10:46

Monday, 31 March 2008

RE: my move to a new address

If you subscribe to Circular Logic (soon to become Ink&Apples) at our old blogspot address via RSS feed (though why you would is utterly beyond me) then it will no longer update. If you feel the need to update your subscriptions now registers as actually existing, which is always useful. The old address should redirect here but I'll put a reminder up in the blog header just in case. God, this is way more hassleful than I expected. I blame Vermillion and his shiny new layout. Curses. Speaking of (new layouts, not V) one is forthcoming, I've been sourcing graphics and finding templates to cannibalise - something I'd forgotten could be so much fun, because I am a massive loser.

I would apologise for being rubbish about posting of late but I hate when people do that so I'll just say leave me a comment, damnit so that I know you still love me.

re: my life

I still hate my job but now everyone knows I'm leaving come September, including my bosses which has taken the pressure off. Also: we finally have funding so there is a minute chance that I may get to do some actual lab work before my time is through, although I'd give you even odds that we start the day after I leave. Because the universe is convinced that it's a comedian. I'm spending the next week going to gigs and socialising with my flatmates (we've been doing a lot of that recently - last night was spent bowling (at which I suck), drinking beer and playing in the arcade (both of which I am awesome at). I'm pretty sure that all that DDRing counts as exercise.)

In slightly more exciting news: I have an interview coming up for my first choice college for teacher training which is very exciting and more than a little nerve wracking - I have questions to answer in a group exercise ("Where do stars go during the day?", "Can nuclear power solve global warming?", "Why can fanning flames make them bigger if you can also blow them out?"), a teaching situation to answer questions on and a presentation to give that's appropriate for 16 year-olds. I'm supposed to organise a day in a school science department before I go but with the Easter break being timed between hmmm let's see "now" and "the time of my interview" that doesn't look too promising. Still, I have the curriculum to read through (fun fact: I also have to be prepared to teach physics, astronomy and geology in addition to the subjects I actually have knowledge of which will be... interesting).

More tattooing at the end of the month after a rather long break. We're starting work on the background so I get to spend the first hour being drawn on with marker pen. We've vaguely discussed colour schemes and the basics of how it's going to look but with Kamil I can never tell until I actually see it - and I'm never disappointed. Also this session we should finally be re-working my snowflake, which was the entire point of starting this tattoo. So: yey!

I managed the entire of lent without getting on the scales (go me) and only slipped up on the chocolate once or twice (always when eating in company, damned restaurants and their limited desert menus). Apparently I weigh exactly the same when I starve myself and exercise like a maniac as when I eat pizza and spend all day playing video games. I do feel a hell of a lot better when I work out though so I'll be continuing to do it but not beating myself up when I really don't feel like it. Check it out kids: a balanced and mature attitude, who saw that one coming?

So yes, all is groovy in the world of me. How is everyone else?


TK said...

Good luck with the interview! And I dig the new site name, by the way (though the layout = major blah. Get to work!!).

I'm going in for some ink work on Saturday, tres exciting.

JoniW said...

Good luck with the interview. :)

As to why folks subscribe via rss, for me it's a matter of not forgetting to check/read blogs that aren't necessarily updated every day. It just keeps me from missing stuff.


Anonymous said...

I still love you!!

AND I am anxiously awaiting new pics from the last session (the bum session, I believe) but I can understand if you don't want to post those on the internationally accessed internet.

But a good AtO upskirt shot would make for a lot of happy boys *ahem*.

Good luck with the interview! Just be yourself and have fun. Gotta keep the passion!!

Alex the Odd said...

TK: Tres exciting indeed! Is this the stuff that's going on your arm?

Joni: Thanks :) I get the RSS reader passion (mine takes me all day just to get through, I really have to trim my subscriptions) I just don't get why anyone would subscribe to here ;)

boo: You saucy minx! I have no qualms about posting it online - I do however have qualms about asking my friends to take said photo. I'll get my artist to take one next time I go in. Never fear you shall see my ass (and the ink work on it)

TK said...

Aaaaand... cue Vermillion's head exploding.

Unknown said...

It would totally rock if you went to work, got some weird lab concoction bubbling and cackled maniacally "It's alive! It's a-live! Bwahahahahahaaaaa!"

...and then promptly put everything down and said "Fuck you guys, I quit".

Alex the Odd said...

Now that is the best plan ever. I now fully intend on using those exact words to officially hand in my notice.