
at 09:45

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Taking a leaf out of Websters Is My Bitch's book (then photocopying it and then claiming the resulting blurry mess is my own work) may I present to you:

Main Entry: Geekgasmic
Pronunciation: \ˈgēk,ˈgaz-mik\
Function: adjective
Etymology: a contraction formed from the commonly used words "geek" and "orgasmic"
Date: 2008

1: descriptor of a typically "uncool" experience which brings extreme joy eg. "The final episode of Bionic Woman was geekgasmic. And also: bad." "Kristin Bell looks positively geekgasmic in her Princess Leia outfit."

2: The only possible way to describe the following video clip

Yep. It's an Eva. What's that? It appears to be doing the Napoleon Dynamite dance? Why yes, yes it does. [Via Kotaku]


Anonymous said...

Please tell me that someone knows the name of that song they were playing? I went to a Japanese Festival and got to watch people perform a dance to that song and I'm going Japasmic.... or maybe Asiasmic?

Nelly said...

Sometimes I worry about the Japanese. I worry they might be going insane. But they make cool gadgets...and swords...and I'm good with the insanity.

Anonymous said...

Can I have a geekgasm too? Because that may have been the coolest awesomist thing I've seen in weeks.

Alex the Odd said...

anon: Sorry I don't have a clue what the song is. You might have more luck asking the person who originally posted it on YouTube. Asiasmic is an awesome word and one I intend to steal by the way.

nelly: I used to worry but now I just settle for "nervous anticipation". They're like the slightly freaky kid cousin of the world. You know, the one with the pink hair and his own made-up language? Weird yet utterly awesome.

shadows: Glad you enjoyed the clip. I tried explaining it to someone and I think I lost them at "action figure of a giant mecha... dancing"