3am, the night bus from Trafalgar Square to Tower Hill.
"D'you reckon you could cook a smurf?"
"Nah, not enough meat on a smurf. Wouldn't be worth it."
"I dunno. You could poach it... like a quail. Might taste a bit gamey though."
"Too much effort, mate."
"But you wouldn't cook Papa Smurf"
"You could do."
"Of course you wouldn't. That would be fucking insane. Papa Smurf has all the medicines. What if your mum got really ill and you'd gone and cooked Papa Smurf, you'd look like right a fucking idiot then, wouldn't you?"
"Fair point."
Retarded conversations sound so much better in British.
I am almost certain that (if they weren't British) these guys are friends of mine.
I swear I've had this exact conversation with my friends one early morning after two days of staying up and gaming. Two days of coffee and soda and squinting at small text and rolling dice...and the smurfs came up, somehow...
Anyways...let me tell you, that convo makes perfect sense at that time of the morning...
geetch: Tis true. It's one of the universal concessions we get for being three to six months behind the rest of the civilised world in terms of movies and video games.
who'sthatgirl: It's good to know you socialise with people who consider such weighty topics ;)
shadows: I think there's a clause in the "making sense" law that dis counts anything said after extended periods of gaming. My friends now find it completely normal when I tell them I can't eat dinner with them because I'm saving the world from the giant chicken headed lord of darkness.
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