a note on the ungrateful

at 16:24

Friday, 2 May 2008

Many thanks to the fabulous Girl With Curious Hair for the call to arms on this issue...

So, science is inherently evil is it? You know what? Fine. I give up. There's no point arguing with a statement like that. I could cite advancements that have been life saving, revolutionary. I could point to dear friends who are currently in the care of the medical profession, people the world would be a worse place without. I could start talking about engineering allowing international travel and reliable water supplies, architecture providing us with shelter from the elements, maths and physics explaining the world around us. I could talk about space travel, genetics, communication, crops being farmed with improved yields, AIDS medication, water purification, computers, printing presses, heart bypasses, bionic limbs, cameras, telescopes, video games, sunscreen, decongestents, cars, clock-radios, MRI machines, cinema, electric lights, mass produced clothing, canned food, electric shavers, CAT scans, pencils, the notion of gravity, post-it notes, life as we know it. But I won't. Instead I'm going to say this:

All scientific discoveries are the work of Satan and we'd be much better off crawling around in the muck and dying from poisoning brought around by eating foraged food. Same goes for animal testing, that's bad and totally unnecessary. Yep. Absolutely. While we're on the subject of things that are important to me being crap I'm also totally going to admit that all feminists are evil too. That entire political movement was a pointless waste of time and should never have happened.

Just a couple of points:

re: Feminism. I'd like everyone holding the above view to raise their hands. OK, Ladies would you kindly stop voting, driving, owning property, wearing trousers, having any control over your medical care, getting an education, working, earning money, enjoying a life without violence as standard, going into pubs and bars, eating alone in restaurants and having orgasms. Gents, you're going to need to head right back out the door to work because, guess what? You have seven kids to feed (contraceptives, what? Never heard of em) and a mortgage to pay. Alone.

re: Animal testing. Please stop taking aspirin, paracetamol, morphine, vicodin... oh screw it, you know what "medicine", yeah stop taking that. Oh and could you also stop having surgery. Of any kind. Although especially heart surgery. Anything life saving. Although you can probably still have your appendix taken out. You just can't be anaesthetised while we do it. It's cool though, here's a rag to bite down on. Hope you don't get a post surgical infection cause we really can't help you with that.

re: Science. Well, if you managed to survive this far without medical care, heating, electricity, transport, living in a building, eating processed food, eating organic food, hell - eating cooked food, defending yourself or you know, having fire to provide light and warmth could you please move it out to the mountainside, possibly into a cave, you're going to have to walk there though. Barefoot. And wearing some sort garment fashioned from leaves and bits of twine that you've hand woven from tree bark. Actually "weaving" that's a bit advanced, maybe you could just sort of hold them on or something. You also might want to stay in the shade, I hear skin cancer's a bitch without access to treatment. Don't bother packing either, we all know that suitcases are the work of the devil. You won't need that laptop you write your charming anti evolutionary screeds on either, and leave that bible where it is. The printed word really isn't for folks like you. OK, now could you just sort of sit still for a while. Don't move. You might discover something. That would be bad. Sit very, very, very still.

Oh yes, and get the fuck off our internet you ignorant, anti-intellectual, narrow minded, Luddite wanker.


Anonymous said...

Woo! I felt the wind on THAT bitchslap.

God, I love you Alex. It just gets more and more troubling, the thought of what we would do if/when we meet face to face. I think, if my science is right, the universe would explode.

(checks calculations...)

Yep. It's right.

Anonymous said...

Science is evil, though, remember? No science for Boo! And stop doing calculations, unless you want to be burned for witchcraft.

Genevieve Burgess said...

Don't let it get to you, it's just privilege talking. Push comes to shove (i.e, when it's them or their kid on the line) all these people will take the female surgeon using the latest technology and animal tested medicines. You will have the last laugh. My mom (who is a lab technician specializing in protein synthesis) frequently has these kinds of outbursts too.

Deep breaths.

Anonymous said...

You tell 'em!

Girl With Curious Hair said...

I knew you could do a much better job of this than me. Thank you. I feel much better.

I especially liked, "Sit very, very, very still." This is very constructive advice. If they sit very still, they won't hurt their brains and the rest of us can progress. Everyone's a winner.

Nate said...

So say we all.
PS. trevor, if that's a joke, I just don't get it. Not cool.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed that, but for some reason, I absolutely loved the turn of phrase "Luddite wanker." So perfect.

Genevieve Burgess said...

P.S - I got the Gaiman book with the story you recommended, will let you know what I think. Also, I'll be in London next weekend and would be happy to buy you a drink if that's not creepy.

Why would they be on the internet if they don't believe in science? These people are utter hypocrites, don't let them get to you.

Anonymous said...

Haha... thank you for this article! Ben Stein is everything that is vomit-inducing about the religious right.

The ironic thing is that creationists and others who are obsessed with finding evidence to emperically prove their scriptures are athiests at heart. The entire point of faith is that you don't need proof - I believe in God, but unlike Ben Stein, I don't need to lie to myself about the fossil record to validate my beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Oh Ben...I thought you were smart...but it turns out you're just another hypocritical, self-righteous, arrogant ass who simply refuses to understand the consequences of the ideas he holds close to his burnt match of a heart.

That was good, Alex. I may have to snag that to convince a few "believers" I know. And by convince, I mean print it out eighty three times into a tome and beat them over the head until they pass out into a contributing member of society.

Anonymous said...

Alex...so much LOVE! If feminism, science and medical breakthroughs are evil, then it's evil I'll be.

Oh, and Trevor? I'm sorry about your inability to "permit" my existance, but I'll figure out a way to tolerate yours. Intense psychotherapy and anti-psychotic drugs can be your friend. Look into it.

Alex the Odd said...

Apologies in advance for not policing my comments properly. Yikes. As much as we all love incoherent hate filled ranting the offending comment has been deleted... Yes.

boo: Dude, the universe will implode in a hot sparkling mess. It's going to be fantastic.

geetch: I hope that when they eventually burn me someone is there toasting marshmallows. That would be awesome.

Rusty: If you're talking about the 10th and 11th of May then hell yes we should meet for drinks! Send me an email and we'll sort something out.

vic: I intend to. Loudly and with expletives.

gwch: Thanks again for the rant fuel. I went out after work all floaty and strangely feeling in need of a cigarette.

nate: I'm not too sure that "trevor" was capable of intelligent thought... shame he's gone now, isn't it? Hah. I love comment deleting powers!

pallasjay: Thanks, I was rather proud of that myself ;)

anon: You sound entirely reasonable and very un-crazy... I'm not sure Ben Stein would like you.

shadows: Always glad to contribute to the cause, and to take part in acts of senseful violence, albeit indirectly.

tae: absoultely, it's aweseome here on the dark side.

Anonymous said...

It angers me so when people try and squish the Bible into the skin of a science textbook. It's a spiritual tome, for crying out loud.

My belief in God doesn't necessarily have to conflict with my intelligence and my trust in science. I certainly don't think human wisdom is infallible, but it's gotten us do damn far as a society to just dismiss with a wave of the hand and a few out-of-context scriptures.

Geezy Pete, people.

Anonymous said...

Awesome beatdown there, Alex. Especially love that you managed to finish on the word 'wanker' - a term that I feel isn't used enough on the internet.