so much awesome

at 22:07

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Go watch. Go on. I'll wait.

I know, right? So awesome I'm having trouble breathing.


Anonymous said...

With my freeze ray I will stop the world!

I've been watching part 1 all day, can't wait for the rest! So fracking awesome!


Anonymous said...

Oh, man, my unhealthy love for Neil Patrick Harris grows more intense with each day. Combine that with my unhealthy love for the Buffy musical...well, it's getting ri-goddamned-diculous. I need the soundtrack to Dr. Horrible, stat!

Alex the Odd said...

I must confess that I have indeed watched it several times. And yeah, I sang along. I think I was meant to though!

Nathan Fillion being all preeningly arrogant was the icing on the cake for me. Superb stuff!

And the acts are coming out in quick succession, needless to say they will be posted as they appear.

JoniW said...

I am loving Dr Horrible. :) Yes, I watched act 1 multiple times & watched act 2 the moment I got up this morning. I'll watch it again shortly.

I love it. A Whedonesquer transcribed the lyrics for act 1. I have them. heh heh.

It's awesome. ;)