women and tattoos

at 09:50

Friday, 11 July 2008

A couple of articles were published today on the subject of women and tattoos. The first is, predictably, completely fucking dreadful. But I'm going to cut it some slack because it sounds like the kind of thing a junior researcher wrote at three am while wired up on coffee and under the instruction to "make it sexy" (because seriously there's no other explanation: Women like butterflies! And hearts! Dolphins are meaningful! Stars are cute! That splintering noise you can hear is my teeth grinding by the way).

The second article, from my favourite newspaper, is actually much better. Despite a false start ("Once seen as a macho world of bikers and seedy basement parlours" which I'm convinced they actually have to put in articles on tattoos in order to get them published) the piece focuses on some of the awesome female tattoo artists working today. Of course, the first artist they have to mention is Kat Von D I mean, fair enough, she's incredibly high profile but the woman irritates the hell out of me. And I've never even seen an episode of her reality show. I think it's something to do with irresponsible and poor quality tattooing under the guise of breaking a world record or possibly having a makeup range at Sephora (because, seriously?) but whatever.

More importantly the article also talks about Saira Hunjan, a woman whose work actually makes me drool. And even more importantly than that the artist I want for my eventual full left leg tattoo based primarily on this lovely lady's description.

I suggest you go and read the whole thing. It's worth a look.

In other tattoo related news: Want. The Boy (unoriginal moniker I know, but it's how I refer to him in my head anyways) has been talking about wanting a new set of tarot cards for ages, and I'm thinking of adding to my collection. I may have to buy a couple of sets next month when I have some cash because: wow. Pretty.


Rach said...

I hate it when you blog about tattoos...it makes me want one...and lament my a) lack of inspiration as to what to get in the first place and b) my total lack of finances to get a quality job done...

one day...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it when you blog about tattoos. It makes me want to get more.

That first article looks like something from Maxim magazine, but 10 years ago. Weak. The second one, yeah, it centers on Von D, who really can only do portraits--which I hate as tattoos honestly, because no matter how well-done they are, they always look like aliens to me--but the mention of Hunjan is fantastic! Female tattooers!

My town has an all-female tattoo and piercing shop, but the female tattooists are not great. The place is called Man's Ruin, and that is their whole schtick: they are girls. SO unfeminist.

glad to see you back in force, Alex! If the dollar ever fucking recovers, I'm coming to see you and your beautiful artwork.



Nelly said...

I think tarot cards are pretty too. Due to my well documented case of chicken-shitness, I'm afraid I'll admire tattoos from afar, but one day...I'll get drunk/high enough. Although that would probably be a terrible idea as it would result in a tattoo of a heart crossed with a swastika on my boob or something equally horrifying.

Unknown said...

When I lived in Chicago, I got a Mucha-inspired forearm-band from Hannah Aitchison, who I later saw end up on L.A. Ink, funnily enough. The woman I'd really love to get a piece from, though, is Serena (formerly of Chicago, now in Portland, I think?). Check out her stuff at www.tattoosbyserena.com. She's got a completely different style to all the pin-up girls and florals out there (nice enough, but not my aesthetic) -- very retro and cool.

JayKuz said...

Wow, when you said dreadful, you meant it! That first article was dreadful and beyond.

Mostly people appreciate and admire my tattoos, but I have had an occasion or two when a stranger openly laughed at me for having them, in the same way that some self-appointed culture critics talk about tattooing as an ill-considered fad instead of an assertion of identity. I know for certain that the men in question (there have only been two) would not openly laugh at a man's tattoos, nor at a man for having tattoos. I suspect that these particular specimens would have found some other vehicle for their condescension had the tattoos not presented what they perceived as an easy entree for a mild and consequence-free expression of sexism.

I just want to shout out to my tattoo artist here in Atlanta, name of Danielle Di Stefano. She did a beautiful armband for me, and we are now working on upgrading the tattoos I got when I was 18..... Anyone in the Southeast or mid-Atlanta US who is looking for an excellent female artist, I recommend her highly.

Girl With Curious Hair said...

I am so excited and honored that I of all people have inspired you to get a full leg tattoo! And when the time comes, I can't wait to see pictures!

And from your descriptions, I don't even want to read the first article. However, it is a scientifically proven fact that women like hearts and butterflies! It is due to the fact that we are made of sugar and spice and everything nice, wrapped in rainbow ribbons. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, Kat Von D's makeup line? Says she puts a perfect face together in fifteen minutes? My ass. With the amount of slap that woman wears, I bet she clocks in her daily face routine at least 45 minutes.

The closest thing to a famous tat artist to ink my skin was the dude who did my first tat. He also inked Shaq and Anthony Kiedis. Woowee.

Alex the Odd said...

rach: Finance troubles suck, I have two sessions this month and it was a choice between tattoos and food. Guess which I picked ;)

boo: Get your ass this side of the pond! I want to get you drunk in a major way. Otherwise I guess I'll just have to come stateside...

nelly: I can totally see you having that tattoo done. I think it would be worth it just for the reactions...

ali: that artwork is very cool, you're right the style is relly something different. Damn, why don't I live in the US...

twp: some people just utterly suck. And shoutout away ;)

gwch: Yup. Also: boys bleed blue. True Fact. And yes, you are my inspiration. I can't wait to get it started, it's going to be quite a while yet though :P

Manda: Anyone who has gone NEAR Kiedis gets two thumbs way, way up from me. You know, I always forget that you have tattoos. Huzzah for the hot tattooed lady contingent of blogland!