
at 13:51

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

You know why this doesn't annoy me?

Because I've actaully been to Oceana.


Anonymous said...

Whoa; a nightclub not allowing in tattooed folks? Isn't that tantamount to saying, "Hey, you alcoholics, you can't come into this bar. We want normal drinkers ONLY."

Shooting yourself in the foot.

Kinda funny.

Genevieve Burgess said...

I'm pretty sure this is just a new excuse to keep guys out of the club, no one who was refused entrance was female. Which is simultaneously gross but also kind of expected. Using tattoos as an excuse is just dumb.

Anonymous said...

Wait...what? No tattoos in a nightclub? And who, exactly, is distinguishing "large or unsightly"? That's some seriously bad business thinking there. I agree with both boo and rusty.

It'd be interesting to see if the local tattoo parlors make a fuss about this, though...