..according to H

at 16:43

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

H, my co-worker with a problem solving streak decided to take each one of my dissatisfaction induced crazy-lady suggestions and give me a workable way to achieve each one, which entirely defeated the ranting and slightly surrealist point of my list. I decided to show her just how irritating she was being by combining all her suggestions into one giant plan of action, one huge, mixed up way of getting nearly everything done from my list (except the stripping thing, sorry Vermillion).

The result is that I may have just mapped out my idea of a perfect life. Which could realistically begin summer of 2008. Oh dear.

In theory I could take a TEFL course online, part-time over this year (giving me something to do with my brain for less money than an open university degree) and then when the lease on my new flat runs out in a year's time I could go and do a five or six month placement teaching English in Japan. A friend of mine is almost at the end of a stint in China and she's had the best time, she did loads of travelling - got to see the country and really got a lot out of it. I've always wanted to teach (at least for a while), Japan is at the top of my "places I need to go to before I die" list, I'm still a year younger than most of my peers (I skipped my final year of elementary/primary school - child genius that I was), I never took time out to go travelling and I have nothing but time. I could use the trip to learn about the culture, see the countryside, get some inspiration for the book everyone keeps pestering me to write, pick up an authentic tattoo, begin to learn the language and have a proper adventure. It would only be six months out of my life, I'd have an extra qualification - which can never hurt.

Oh well, it can't hurt a girl to dream. And it makes my days seem a lot less hopeless.

Witness stage IV: relentless optimism.


TK said...

Plus, think of all the sushi!

Mmmm... sushi...

Sam Brooks said...

I've heard stories about people teaching English in places like Japan and have heard nothing but good things. It sounded pretty awesome!

Anonymous said...

TK: Excellent point! Great, now I'm going have to go and get Sushi for lunch. Mmmmmm sushi...

Brooke: I've heard pretty much the same thing. Its kind of a scary thought but what with this new fangled interweb malarky it's pretty much impossible to fall out of touch so there's really nothing to lose!