Well I'm back at work after a fabulous bank holiday weekend (Phase V of my freakout has been fully completed for all those who are keeping tabs, so I'm back on an even keel now) and I was stuck for something to blog about. So, rather than providing you with a stream of consciousness ramble, or skipping posting all together (my life is about to get very busy so I'm taking every opportunity to post that I can) I've decided to allow anyone reading an unprecedented look into the inner workings of my mind.
I am a crazily unorganised person and as a result I carry a diary around with me at all times (I also have on me at any given time: my journal, a novel, my glasses case, a make-up bag, a mini hairbrush, my wallet, two sets of keys, my phone, my iPod charger, a comic/game manual, a mirror, assorted writable DVDs with random TV episodes on them, my iPod and about 6 pens of differing colours - that last one is going to make sense in a minute) everything I have to do for the schedulable future is contained in the pages along with numerous notes to self, lists of things to buy and the occasional doodle. Without it I'm completely lost.
(In fact since writing this I've managed to think of three more things to add to tomorrow.)
So, without further ado - this is what my week looks like so far:
click above for full size
same for this one!
That's it in a nutshell (with a quick couple of paint deletions), not very interesting is it? But, at least my scanner got to see something with colour on it for once! Comments are appreciated, as always, and I'll try to have something more entertaining for my next update.
Side note: yes, my writing really is that illegible and I do indeed skip/substitute letters on a regular basis. My brain works at a slightly faster pace than my hand and it shows.
I hear you. I keep a pocket-sized notebook on me at all times, which is filled with dates, phone numbers, random sketches, tattoo designs, lists and everything else. I lose it once a week, and go insane each time.
I am new to your blog and thoroughly enjoying it.
You have nice handwritting. Myself, I don't keep notes. I like to pretend that I can still remember everything the way I once did. Which I promptly forget of course, so no matter.
What was i saying? Oh, yes. Pretty colours...
TK: I have a separate note book for tattoo designs - it's currently filled with a ton of source photos as well as some thoroughly awful sketches. I'll post it when I actually get the cash together to visit an artist (I actually have a series of posts planned *le gasp*). Glad to know I'm not the only psycho note-keeper around - people give me odd looks when they see all the postits!
Ani: Hi! I'm glad you're enjoying your visit ;) The pretty colours are vital, I'm ever so slightly obsessive so if I make notes in the same colour and then one day don't have access to it then I reall get thrown. Enforced randomness stops me from stressing!
you know what i like? people's handwriting. i take pride in being able to decipher even the most illegible, and trust me doll, yours is not even close to bad.
yay for pink pen. it's the only thing that gets me through a day of editing.
The Techno Trap
Wow what can I say and where to start, you see I think that I have to work to be an organised (OK Disorganised if you want the truth) individual, several years ago when the first phone with a calendar was introduced that would sync to the PC is where it all went wrong for me I believe. I can remember I throw out my old trusted filofax, a little batter but still functional to be replaced with my all new gadget phone, now there was never any need to miss an appointment or forget to call a client. But now wind the clock or several years it has become apparent that was not the right thing to do. I now have to sync my PC to my laptop, my laptop to my mobile then Bluetooth to my organiser, Oh I forgot about the calendar on my iPod that is also synced up, all with he address books as well. I also have a desk diary and guess what last October as it was all getting to much as I never had a pen or a slip of paper to jot down a number I went out and bought a nice new A5 filofax.
The only problem now is I never get to a meeting on time but I have great excuses, it just takes all bloody day keeping everything up to date.
PS I also colour code as well, How sad do I feel now having just read this. Just one more thing, at least your ladies can carry everything in a bag, can you imagine how I look running out to an appointment.....
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