freaking out

at 23:52

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Tomorrow marks the start of a shiny new tattoo for me and, as a few of you have requested, I've finally got round to posting my existing tattoos. You can find the post over at Inked Oddity. You may not appreciate this yet but it was actually quite a sacrifice on my part:

  • I had to actually take photos (or have them taken) of myself a traumatic experience if ever there was one.
  • I then had to install the software for my digital camera as I've been putting it off for weeks.
  • Discovering I have literally the world's widest shoulders, and thus another exciting new paranoia, didn't help matters.
  • I'm thoroughly fed up with photobucket so I started a flickr account.
  • Ooooh look at the shiny features to play with!
  • Actually writing the post was the easy part.

An hour and a half later it's done. Well? What are you still here for. Scoot on over there. Psha, after all the time and effort I go to for you people (and my vanity).

ps. Wish me luck!


VermillionBrain said...


...I mean, how very lovely, Alex. They are quite...well-placed and aesthetically pleasing, and not at all turning me on. Nope. I am not stimulated by these pics and their stated locations AT ALL.

No tweeing of the nethers here. No sirree Bob.

Anonymous said...

SO?? Where is it?? Must see please.