
at 17:45

Friday, 12 October 2007

Well, here's a fun twist. I'm sick. And I hardly ever get ill, but on the few occasions that I do it tends to burn high and hot for a couple of days before my uber immune system kicks its ass.

Ex flatmate M theorises that the vast amounts of adrenaline and shock to my body on Wednesday shot my immune system to tatters making me susceptible to every October bug going round at the moment. I think I probably have all of them. Seriously guys, I'm the only girl I know who gets man-flu, I'm a seriously crappy sick person, I whine and bitch the entire time; demanding sympathy when I really don't deserve it .

So yep, I have an October bug, great. I'm two years out of uni and I still get Fresher's flu. The other alternative, of course, is sepsis and I'm not quite hypochondriacal enough to suspect that.

Downsides to being sick inlcude: not being able to detox this weekend, not being able to go to the pub to watch the rugby (aw shaddup, I would have gone along and drunk orange juice... actually I may still do that), feeling like crap so not sticking to my diet (which was going so well! I've lost around half a stone with only marginal effort), foggy head so not being able to work.

Upsides to being sick include: being able to spend my friday evening in bed reading magazines, having an excuse to watch the entire of Full Metal Alchemist uninterrupted (I promised myself I'd only watch it start to finish in one sitting so the box-set has been sitting on my shelf un opened for a while), flatmates cooking for me, legitimately gaining sympathy for the fact that I'm literally in pieces (I didn't realise quite how many movements involve using the muscles in my back, turns out it's "all of them" not good) rather than getting the, completely justified, "it's your own fault" response.

Tattoo pictures and a description of my first session are forthcoming on the very strict condition that there are no comments about any part of the image other than the artwork. I'm looking at you Vermillion. As it ended up being ever so slightly larger than intended I'm rather more, how shall I put it, exposed in the photos than I'd like and the only way they're getting posted is if we can all agree to over look that tiny insignificant detail. M'kay?

And can someone please explain how a nice girl like me essentially ended up with the beginnings of a bodysuit?


VermillionBrain said...

Who, me?

I believe I made it quite clear that all I noticed was the artwork, and that I was not affected by anything else that may or may not have been in the periphery. Plus, it's God's fault the canvas is such a looker, not mine.

But, since you insist, I shall attempt to refrain from any such remarks, at least where you can see them.

VermillionBrain said...

Also, get well soon.

MertMengelmier said...

i think I'm jealous of your uber immune system. I have an uber motorcycle side-car dream, but it hasn't kicked in yet.