The reason there are practically no teaching blogs

at 17:13

Monday 22 September 2008

So I've just finished my first full week of college, the week before I spent working in a primary school, observing lessons and helping out with IT when the teachers couldn't work the new computer suite they'd had installed.

Anyways, Friday was our keynote lecture on teachers' legal responsibilities. It was a really interesting half hour but it really hammered home what I'd been suspecting all week:

Unless they are completely anonymous teachers cannot have blogs.

Because of my Father and various other superfun ex stalkerish people my facebook profile is super private unless you are an accepted friend of mine, which is fine. When it comes to my blog however, this isn't the case.

I have always blogged under my own name and there are plenty of identifying details throughout these pages that make my identity completely obvious to anyone who has ever met me. That's fine. I'm not ashamed of anything I've done with my life and hence anything blogged about but the fact remains that most of the content is stuff that I would not want any pupils to see. Which is a shame, because I've loved running this place and running it under my real name too.

But kids are not only massively inventive but also incredibly persistent and I know from experience that if there's anything out there about you to find they will find it.

So now I have a decision to make, do I go back and edit my content to make this place completely anonymous or do I close it down entirey? To be honest, with the workload I'm facing even as a student and the other writing projects I have going on at the moment, keeping a blog up and running is kind of low down on my list of things I'd like to do when I have a spare moment (another reason there are practically no teaching blogs - they're too fucking tired to keep them going).

So that's why there aren't any new posts going up at the moment, I'm thinking it over for the time being.


Genevieve Burgess said...

I'm trying to think of how I would've felt if I'd found a blog one of my teachers was writing when I was a teenager and I can't really imagine it. And how do you blog anonymously? "Today, I went to a shop and bought some things. Then I went to another place and saw my friends. After that I went back to my place of residence and played with my pets and/or significant other before going to bed. I enjoyed my day."

There's no good answer here, but if you decide that you'd rather give up blogging that risk your job (completely understandable) I'm sure all of us on the internets who enjoy your voice will understand.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the problem as having mutually exclusive solutions - make your blog password-protected or otherwise privately accessible (except for whatever parts you want publicly accessible). True your occupational need for privacy trumps the joy of blogging publicly, but it'd just be such a shame to lose a voice like yours that quitting blogging outright isn't a desirable option either. Privatise, or blog via email list if you like. Other than that I'm kinda short on good ideas. Have fun getting into teaching though!

Anonymous said...

oh please keep the blog going- be it privately or anonymously- you're such a wonderful writer and teaching stories are too frikin hilarious! Also how will we ever see the finished results of that hotness on your back??

UKGrrl said...

Long time heart just sank a little coz I suspect you're gonna leave us. This blog has been such a pleasure for a long time. I guess I'll just look forward to yr Pajiba reviews then? Will that be affected to?

Girl With Curious Hair said...

So, I'll finally say it: it's probably a good idea to not blog as a teacher. Kids are wicked. On the other hand, WHY? Who will so eloquently rant about the crazies of the world? Who's inky pictures will I admire? And have you thought of Vermillion? Poor, poor Vermillion?

I vote (if I may) for some scrubbed, anonymous blog. Because I'm sure you'll have plenty of time and energy left over.

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex I found your blog through the Inked site. Anyways I really love your writing and was wondering if you would send me the link to your livejournal account? Completely understand why your apprehensive about keeping a blog up. I'm getting my teaching credentials right now and decided not to start a tattoo blog because of that.